Rene Norman
Optimist Maker, Wren Ceramics, Artist
Ojai, CA
Where were you raised? Has the landscape of that place influenced your work in any way?
I was raised in the Midwest. Milwaukee-born. Illinois raised. The landscape of Mid-America for me was a wholesome upbringing. Lots of time in nature; parks, woods, lakes. I remember fondly being outside with friends bike riding, collecting butterflies and ladybugs, walking or cycling everywhere. Lots of time to get lost in exploration. I think this all lead to the comfort in getting lost in creativity, aka no destination, just freedom to go with the flow.
How do you re-charge your creative battery?
NATURE. This has always been my medicine, especially as I have grown older. In that realm, I am in peace and in delight. There is so much beauty in the smallest of things. Nature calms me, centers me, inspires me and feeds me. It is my greatest teacher and muse. My panacea.
What book are you reading?
Well, due to a recent diagnosis, I have been reading a lot about holistic remedies for breast cancer. I recently went to Hawaii for an amazing cleanse and have been reading a book from the founder of Angel Farms called “You Don’t Have to Hurt Anymore: The Enlightened Way to Health” by Cindy Mahealani Sellers. I also reread “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert, which was right on point.
What was the last thing that you fell in love with?
I awoke this morning at 3am and watched the night spill into dawn. That, and the magical song of a bird broke my heart open. I am so grateful for this exquisite, beautiful life.
What do you love most about yourself?
My resilience has shown itself during my present journey. More than that, I would say my Optimism. I am literally “looking up” a great deal of the time. I LOVE the sky and all that resides there: , clouds, sun, moon, stars, birds, angels, the way a tree continues reaching for the light, even if it has to bend and stretch in all directions to do so.
What do you think is the most important quality in a human?
Kindness. I love the saying from the Dalai Lama; “My religion is simple. My religion is kindness”. If one is kind, then one has compassion, love, gentleness, thoughtfulness.
Do you have a spiritual practice?
Yes. My daily spiritual practice is one of gratitude. I have a routine of meditation, smudging my home with sage or other plants, lighting a candle as I call in my guides for the day. Then I take a morning walk (sunset too) and connect with the magic and wisdom of Nature. That is my place of worship. I tell it out loud & sometimes in song, all the things I am thankful for. I often stand in the light of the morning sun and feel it fill me up, and then I send that light it to all the people that I love, the planet, all living things.
Who are your role models?
I am drawn to the peacemakers. John Lennon was an amazing role model. Jane Goodall moves me deeply. I am inspired by people who do good in the world for the planet, and animal kingdom, the less fortunate.
If you could change one thing about our world, what would it be? Is there a individual or an organization doing work in this area that you want us to know about?
Less greed, more awakening. I hope and pray that we can come together to heal the planet.
Before I die I want to…
Fall in love again. Find true love.
All photos courtesy of Rene Norman