Tracy Dishman
Where were you raised? Has the landscape of that place influenced your work in any way?
I was born in Ventura but spent my early childhood in Maryland. Adolescence through teen years we were in Fresno, and after high school my family settled in central Texas and that’s where I call home. I guess my conservative, military, small town suburban roots have given me the ability to understand characters outside of my cultural bubble. I try to bring respect and authenticity to all the worlds I build.
How do you re-charge your creative battery?
I stare at the wall. I hide my phone. I go outside. I see friends and cook out and read and get my hands in the dirt.
What book are you reading?
I just finished Sex & Rage by Eve Babitz and am revisiting the Weetzie Bat series because they’re just so delightful.
What was the last thing that you fell in love with?
Horse back riding. I had my first lesson in 25 years today and it all came back.
What do you love most about yourself?
I’m a good listener. I’m good in a crisis. I have a sense of humor and I generally trust myself.
What do you think is the most important quality in a human?
Experience. I think experience can strengthen our ability to access empathy. Traveling, going to school, having hobbies, volunteering with the elderly or people with disabilities. I think any opportunity to meet people you have nothing in common with makes the world smaller, in a good way.
Florida Girls
Do you have a spiritual practice?
Yes, it’s usually just being in nature. Gardening, going to the beach, playing with my dog, falling asleep in the sun..
Who are your role models?
People who let you merge in traffic.
If you could change one thing about our world, what would it be? Is there a individual or an organization doing work in this area that you want us to know about?
That all kids have a home. Heart Gallery Los Angeles is a foster and adoption agency that focuses on siblings who are trying to stay together and older kids who are aging out of foster services without a forever home. My wife & I are childless by choice, but I admire anyone who decides to foster or adopt.
Before I die I want to…
Love a hair cut.
All photos courtesy of Tracy Dishman