Lucy Jolis
Where were you raised? Has the landscape of that place influenced your work in any way?
I was born in New York and raised in Virginia Beach until I was in the second grade. Then we moved outside DC. So from 2 to 7 I lived at the beach and it was fucking awesome. I love the beach; I feel like it should be everywhere. I think the beach is a happy place, the sun, going in the ocean; it’s just so good for you. I love our family photos of my brothers and I growing up in the eighties, like tan and orange acid washed shorts. I love that stuff, like Ocean Pacific, the surf culture. Sunroom feels happy to me in the same way.
When I was a senior in high school my family picked up and moved to Laguna Beach. It was the coolest thing my parents have ever done. I was obsessed. I had been jealous of every kid who was growing up in California. It’s just so pretty, the west coast light and the flowers, even the weeds are pretty. It’s like a junior varsity Hawaii.
I think beauty, fun, color and play are good for you.
How do you re-charge your creative battery?
I go on deep dive internet holes. You have access to the entire world. You can go to every museum in the world in like two hours on your couch. I get so inspired and cannot stop.
What book are you reading?
I’m reading the gnarly news.
The last book I read was Quiet, about being an Introvert. That got me, because I never really knew what being an introvert meant and after that it all made sense. There is nothing wrong with the fact that I wanna be alone so much, it’s totally normal, it’s how I recharge. It was very interesting!
What was the last thing that you fell in love with?
Last night I fell in love with this piece by Jeffrey Gibson called American Girl, 2013. Then, subsequently more of his pieces!! The Nerman Museum Collection in Overland Park, Kansas has been devoted to collecting and showcasing contemporary American Indian art for the past decade.
Also, I love my laptop riser that keeps my computer higher, I ordered three!
Jeffrey Gibson, American Girl, 2013
What do you love most about yourself?
I feel like I’m a good person. I’m compassionate and honest.
What do you think is the most important quality in a human?
What comes to mind immediately is honesty, mainly people being honest with themselves. If you don’t have that, how do you connect? You gotta be honest with yourself and you gotta be honest with other people, nothing can really truly exist without that.
Do you have a spiritual practice?
I used to wake up and stare out the window for ten, twenty minutes and look at the birds and squirrels. My boyfriend thinks this is a morning meditation, but no, I’m not very spiritually evolved. I think there is room for improvement there.
Who are your role models?
I’ve always been really inspired and captivated by athletes. Growing up, anytime the Olympics came on I was glued. I was so impressed and intrigued by their dedication and commitment, they’re all in so much physical pain, and they just keep going.
Laird Hamilton and Mariah Carey really sum me up in a nutshell.
If you could change one thing about our world, what would it be? Is there a individual or an organization doing work in this area that you want us to know about?
Before I die I want to…. Fill in the blank
Find Inner Peace.
All images courtesy of Lucy Jolis