Liz Clark
Photo Jianca Lazarus
Where were you raised? Has the landscape of that place influenced your work in any way?
I was raised in San Diego, Southern California, spending lots of time on and in the ocean, which has influenced my most fundamental life decisions and work!
How do you re-charge your creative battery?
Time alone in nature recharges my creative batteries!
Photo Jianca Lazarus
What book are you reading?
Currently reading “Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer
What was the last thing that you fell in love with?
What do you love most about yourself?
My ability to feel empathy for other beings and show compassion for them.
What do you think is the most important quality in a human?
Do you have a spiritual practice?
Yes. My direct relationship with the mystery and oneness of the universe is very important to me and constantly evolving! I would say that my “practice” can be defined as always trying to be a better person.
Who are your role models?
Jane Goodall, Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Jesus, Jean & Barry Schuyler, Greta Thunberg, Audrey Sutherland, James Aspey, Genisis Butler, Bernie Sanders, my parents!
Photo Jianca Lazarus
If you could change one thing about our world, what would it be? Is there a individual or an organization doing work in this area that you want us to know about?
I would like to waive a magic wand and end factory farming and wild animal captivity immediately and turn everyone onto amazing plant-based foods. Yes, James Aspey and Carly Taylor are a couple doing awesome work in animal activism, as well as Damien Mander's work in Africa.
Before I die I want to….
Camp out under the aurora borealis and drink maple water from a maple tree in the forest!
Photos courtesy of Liz Clark