Leena Culhane
I always start my day with...
the Oak Journal, coffee with oat milk, and 45-60 minutes of movement. I try to walk the dog on the sunny side of the street to catch some Vitamin D and as David Whyte writes, "ease into the conversation." I also do my best to limit engaging with my phone for a bit if possible. I used to check emails, texts, and social media first thing when my partner and I were starting our businesses because everything felt so pressing and time sensitive. I learned the hard way that's a surefire way to let a bunch of important stuff fall through the cracks, including my own sanity.
Where were you raised? Has the landscape of that place influenced your work in any way?
I was raised in a little town called Fairfax in Northern California. It is a huge part of who I am. I need to be in nature regularly to feel like myself, and I always feel down-regulated by fresh air, petrichor, and saltwater. I dream often about the landscapes in which I grew up; I write about them in my music and include elements of them in my design work. I developed a deep appreciation early on for open space. Understanding the value of looking after your environment and community is a huge part of what inspired me when we started our restaurants as well. They both represent a little bit of Fairfax in Santa Monica!
What was the last thing you fell in love with?
My meditation class with Manoj Dias, Friday mornings at 8am.
We have 24 hours in your city... one recommendation.
Swing by Crudo e Nudo and grab some salads, fresh fish, and a bottle of wine. Drive up the PCH until you reach Sycamore Cove State Beach. Fire up the grill, uncork the wine, and jump in for a dip with dolphins.
What do you love most about yourself?
I’m very open. I love to connect with people and to understand more about them by being curious, holding space, and finding the center of the Venn diagram between us. I use that receptivity in my creative work, on my teams, and in my own deep dives trying to understand my own evolution and heart.
What did you do for your last birthday?
I had friends for a pizza party on the beach as the sun went down.
What book are you reading?
The Tao of Fully Feeling by Pete Walker
If you could click your heels and be anywhere, where would it be?
Sydney, Australia, cuddling on the couch first thing in the morning with my 5-year-old nephew, Linus.
How do you recharge your creative battery?
I’m learning a lot about this after reckoning with some really tough burnout last year. Day by day I get closer to discerning when it’s time to turn off and when it’s time to let myself be surprised and inspired by the creativity around me. These days I’m lucky enough to cultivate more quiet time without noise, especially walks without my phone. I’m learning to multitask as little as possible. I'm helping my friends with their infant a few hours a week by just taking him for his afternoon nap - either to work in his little carrier or a walk on the beach. Little people always help me see things in fresh light. I love eating good food, traveling, and learning new things from those around me as a way to experience more presence in my life and relationships. Oh, and as much as I love silence, my girlfriends and my sister are some of the biggest sources of love and rest in my life, and we sure do love to chat.
What’s on your Bucket List?
Record another album and go on tour with folks I love. Buy a fixer-upper in Puglia. Have a baby. Slow down so I can cultivate the best version of me and share it with more generosity.
all photos courtesy of Leena Culhane