Amy Douglas White
Photo by Jac Cron
Where were you raised? Has the landscape of that place influenced your work in any way?
I was born and raised in Madrid, Spain, and spent a lot of my summers in Cape Cod where my paternal grandparents lived. It was idyllic and surreal in a way that I wouldn't fully comprehend until I was older. Speaking and living in a culture that was different from what I experienced at home was surely a luxury, though at the time I sometimes felt caught between the two worlds: as if I didn't truly belong to either one. That duality gave me a sense of understanding and acceptance of different cultures from a very young age. My high school also attributed to that openness, as our student body was culturally diverse.
I feel very connected to Spain, and often miss it. Four out of the twelve tracks on my forthcoming album "Ashes," are either entirely or partially written in Spanish. It’s a big part of who I am, but also just another tool for creative expression. I sometimes find it easier to write lyrics in Spanish, although I don't purposefully set out to write a song that way - it's usually the music that inspires me to sing in a certain language.
How do you re-charge your creative battery?
Getting plenty of sleep and having a daily routine of music-making (even if I'm not fully inspired), really help clear the cobwebs and get things flowing creatively. Taking breaks outside or working in the garden centers and calms any anxiety or immobility I may be feeling that day. Listening to music and watching a good film or TV show also inspires me.
What book are you reading?
I've been on a long non-fiction kick. This is what is currently on my nightstand: "The Whole-Brain Child" by Dan Siegel, "Peaceful Parents: Happy Kids" by Laura Markham (this has a permanent spot on the table as I refer to it and her blog constantly), "Why I'm No Longer Talking About Race" by Reni Eddo-Lodge, and "Treat Your Own Back" by Robin McKenzie.
What was the last thing that you fell in love with?
I've recently fallen in love with coconut almond cakes. They're decadently moist, less heavy and more flavorful than regular cakes. I'm obsessed with Helen Goh and Yotam Ottolengui's "Sweet" cookbook, a complex but high-reward baking experience that introduced me to these coconut cakes and other exquisite desserts. We're also entering my favorite time of year in Los Angeles, where every day I fall in love with a new bud, flower, or leaf that shows up in the garden.
What do you love most about yourself?
What I love most about myself is also an issue that I’ve often struggled with. I love that I'm an empathetic and sensitive person, but I can be so deeply tuned in to other people's perspectives, emotions and desires that I blur out the lines of where my own needs and wants begin. Over the years I've become better at managing my boundaries, but I still love this highly sensitive and selfless part of myself, which has also been the source of great creative energy.
What do you think is the most important quality in a human?
The capacity for loving and forgiving one's self.
Do you have a spiritual practice?
Since my son has been back at school, I've been able to start my yoga practice again (I've been doing it on and off since I stopped dancing in my early 20s). I need to be more consistent, however, as it really helps center and focus my energy. I've also recently learned the importance of good sleep hygiene.
As a primary caregiver, being home with my then two-year-old son during the first six months of the pandemic was surprisingly grounding and spiritual in a way. Some days were excruciatingly hard, but once I learned to let go (of my to-do lists or expectations), I was able to enjoy the moment and especially enjoy him. He is my constant reminder of how important it is to stay connected and present throughout the day.
Who are your role models?
When I was younger I looked up to all sorts of people who were either artists, actors and musicians, but idolizing them always made me feel less than. Nowadays I admire people who are selfless creatives, in any field, who go against the grain and are willing to help others on their path. Luckily, I have a lot of friends and family that inspire me in this way.
If you could change one thing about our world, what would it be? Is there a individual or an organization doing work in this area that you want us to know about?
Our collective lack of urgency towards climate change is what I wish would be different by now. Scientists have already indicated that the pandemic is a result of our changing climate. More pandemics and disasters caused by deforestation, poor urban planning, and global warming are only going to increase if we don't make drastic changes now. I wish the messaging for this crisis were more urgent and widespread. I believe that every human being should take responsibility for how we treat our planet. It's often seen as "someone else's problem," but so much can be done on an individual level. It’s actually the disrespect towards our home that really bugs me.
I also understand how overwhelming it can be to change your life to go even 20% green. It’s impossible for many families, especially with today’s economic inequities and lack of choices. But I've learned that making small changes do make a difference and can lead to bigger changes. I like following @greenmatters on social media because they offer helpful and realistic tips that anyone can start implementing into their life.
Before I die I want to…
Travel the world and perhaps live outside the U.S. again.
And then just Amy, a stunning, beautiful piece of my heart! Photos courtesy of Amy White and Jen Davis. Cover photo by Alexander Brown